Current ongoing research at Cornell University

Asynchrony and elasticity in surrogate optimization

I work with Professor David Bindel and Professor Christine Shoemaker on surrogate optimization. We are working on optimization of expensive black-box functions in high-dimensions when the number of evaluations are limited. The underlying objective function is approximated by a surrogate surface (interpolating surface) and we use the surrogate surface to decide where to evaluate next.The surrogate surface can for example be a weighted sum of radial basis functions with an appropriately chosen tail function.

Software packages

Professor David Bindel and I have implemented pySOT (, which is an asynchronous parallel surrogate optimization toolbox written in Python. pySOT has been downloaded over 18,000 times from PyPi and has been used by many research groups. I have also implemented SOT, which is a C++11 library for surrogate optimization (

Global optimization with additional information

I work with Professor David Bindel on global optimization algorithms with provable convergence rates. We're mainly interested in designing efficient optimization algorithms given information about the semi-norm of the objective function in the native space of a given radial basis function.

$$(A*B)\,x = d$$ $$A*B := (A_{ij} \otimes B_{ij})_{ij}$$

Structured solvers

I work with Professor Charles Van Loan and Professor Alex Townsend on structured matrix problems. We're interested in problems with Kronecker product structure, such as Khatri-Rao systems of equations, where it's possible to design fast solvers that make use of the given structure.

Scalable structure exploiting inference methods

I work with Professor David Bindel, Professor Andrew Wilson, and Kun Dong on scalable inference for Machine Learning. The log marginal likelihood under a Gaussian process is given by

$$\begin{align} \log p(y|X) = &-\frac{1}{2}y^T\alpha \\ &-\frac{1}{2}\log |K + \sigma^2 I| \\ &-\frac{n}{2}\log 2\pi \end{align}$$
where $K_{ij} = k(x_i, x_j)$ is the kernel matrix and $\alpha = (K + \sigma^2 I)^{-1}y$. Optimizing over the log marginal likelihood is expensive, since the standard way of evaluating $\log |K + \sigma^2 I|$ exactly involves computing the Cholesky factorization of $K + \sigma^2 I$, making each iteration $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$. This is too expensive for scalable inference methods with billions of data points, so we are interested in cheap but robust approximation schemes.