
I am happy to present my research at meetings, workshops and conferences. Here is a(n incomplete) list of talks I have given

May 4th 2018 -- Workshop: "Experimental Economics meets Statistical Physics", Niels Bohr Institute. Invited talk titled "Hipsters on Networks: How a Small Group of Individuals Can Lead to an Anti-Establishment Majority"
Nov. 8th 2017 -- Network Science Institute, Northeastern University. Seminar titled "Hipsters on Networks: How a Small Group of Individuals Can Lead to an Anti-Establishment Majority"
Aug 9th 2017 -- Workshop: "Physical Concepts in Stem Cell Biology", Copenhagen, Contributed talk titled "Scaling of somites in mice" July 24th 2017 -- EMBL, Heidelberg. Talk in Aulehla lab titled ""
May 9th 2017 -- Workshop on Chronobiology, Lille. Talk titled "Waves, synchronisation and entrainment in pop- ulations of coupled somite precursor cells"
March 17th 2017 -- Stemphys annual workshop, Copenhagen. Talk titled "Phase waves and scaling in somitogenesis in mice"
Feb 7th 2017 -- University of Potsdam Talk in Pikowsky+Rosenblum group titled "Oscillations and Phase waves in somitogenesis in mice"
Jan 13th 2017 -- Stemphys meeting, Copenhagen. Talk titled "Modelling coupled somite precursor cells in mice"
Aug 25th 2016 -- Mathematical biology conference, Chennai. Invited talk titled "Somitogenesis in mice: Minimal model and the consequences of phase gradients"
Dec 17th 2014 -- Workshop: Graphs and their applications, UCL, London. Invited talk titled "Flip counts and nodal counts in discrete graphs."

Outreach activities

Jan 29th 2018 -- Inspirational talk for science talents visiting the Niels Bohr Institute. Title: "Skalering af somitter i mus" June 2nd 2017 -- Inspirational talk for students at the Niels Bohr Institute. Title: "Hipstere, mus og fysik: Fra sommerskoler til Ph.d. i Biokompleksitet" (Previously) -- On several occasions, I have given talks to future physics students about the practical and/or social aspects of being a physics student at the NBI