
One of the best things about science, is to meet and collaborate with interesting people. Here is a list of my collaborators.

Prof. Mogens H. Jensen
Mogens is my Ph.d. supervisor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Together we work on coupled oscillators -- generally and in biological systems. Our latest work explored mathematical details about how coupled oscillating stem cells cooperate in the formation of somites -- verbrae precursors (Not yet online).

Joacim Mathiesen
Joachim cosupervises my Ph.d. at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Together we work on temporal patterns and spreading phenomena in a dataset containing cell phone activity of more than a thousand university freshman students.

Prof. Mason A. Porter
Mason is currently based in Los Angeles and is a professor at UCLA and University of Oxford. I worked with Mason at for 4 months at University of Oxford and since then we continued working on the projects we started. Together, we have worked on variations of threshold spreading models on networks. Specifically, one project examined the effect of synergistic spreading of a meme on several kinds of networks (link), while another examined the effect of hipsters (or equivalenty anti-conformists or anti-establishment) nodes on the spreading of competing products on networks (link)

Christopher Joyner
Chris was a Post.Doc. at the Weizmann Institute of Science in the summer of 2014, when I participated in the Kupcinet Getz summer program for outstanding undergraduate students. Chris and Prof. Uzy Smilansky supervised my project, in which we wanted to find classes of graphs which had the same spectrum and eigenvectors for the Laplacian matrix. During the two months, we managed to find and construct classes of graphs with these characteristica (paper not yet online).

Prof. Uzy Smilansky
Uzy is a Professor a the Weizmann Institute of Science and accepted me as his student in the summer of 2014, when I participated in the Kupcinet Getz summer program for outstanding undergraduate students. I have visited both Uzy and Chris several times since the end of the program, and count them as great examples of how science collaborations can turn into friendships.